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Notes sur le tag : eye film instituut nedreland

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Subbacultcha and Eye join forces for Soundstracks for the, a special evening as part of the Eye On Sound program Pop !, in which three indie pop artists provide a new adventure score for three short films from the Eye collection. They push the boundaries of what is possible with new forms of film music. Subbacultcha en Eye slaan de handen ineen voor Soundstracks for the , een...

Publié le 16/09/2020 dans LABEL... par Jérôme Schlomoff | Lire la suite...

”Drijvend Oranje” - EYE Film Instituut Nederland

My   pinhole movie " DRIJVEND ORANJE ", was acquired by the collection of EYE Film Instituut Nederland . That movie is projected at each session before the movies :   Sarco GRA & Lucia de B. (Accused) at EYE Film .  Still image from "Drijvend Oranje" Movie about the canal parade, in Amsterdam, of the National Dutch...

Publié le 18/06/2014 dans LABEL... par Jérôme Schlomoff | Lire la suite...

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